
Membership Benefits
Professional Development The park and recreation industry is constantly changing. Therefore, the importance of professional development is paramount to your agency and yourself. The Wisconsin Park & Recreation Association offers professional development opportunities to fit your needs.
Annual Conference & Trade Show WPRA is committed to helping you do business better by providing conferences and events that highlight issues affecting your agency and our industry. The Annual Conference & Trade Show which attract approximately 400 attendees and over 100 exhibitors annually, are designed to help you develop business strategies and grow your agency professionally.
Leadership Academy The WPRA Leadership Academy program delivers a highly regarded curriculum focusing on leadership and business analysis skills and delivers a comprehensive leadership training experience for selected participants. The Leadership Academy program provides the tools you need to further your career in parks and recreation administration.
Other Educational Opportunities WPRA offers a myriad of additional training and informational opportunities to members every year including, but not limited to:
- Fall Workshop
- Region Meetings
- Aquatics Seminar
- Aquatic Technician Workshop
- Office Support Workshops
- Playground Workshops
- Park Tours
- Webinars
IMPACT Magazine The Association’s quarterly, member only magazine that consists of WPRA news, updates, and articles.
PRMonthly WPRA’s monthly electronic newsletter keeps members up to date on pertinent association, state and national park and recreation news, educational offerings, membership updates, etc.
Legislative Advocacy The Association Public Policy Committee and Lobbyist Firm take issues directly to state and federal elected representatives to work for laws and regulations that enhance your ability to provide for your communities.
WPRA Website – The website is your source for information about the Association at your fingertips – 24/7. WPRA’s web site is changing continually to provide you the information you need when you need it.
WPRA Connect A forum available to members to connect with all members throughout the state of Wisconsin.
Member Categories
The Wisconsin Park & Recreation Association offers members the option of registering for a number of membership branches and/or categories that best meet their professional needs.
Individual Professional - $150 This membership category is available to part-time and full-time employees working in Aquatics, Parks, Natural Resources, State Parks, Recreation, Senior Centers, Therapeutic Recreation, Fitness and Athletic Coordinators, Landscape Architects, and others working on behalf of parks and recreation. Membership can be obtained in the Individual Professional category, or Premiere level (below). Each professional member has the right to vote and to hold office.
Premier Level - (up to 15 individual professionals - $775, 16 and more individual professionals - $1,500) This membership category is available to part-time and full-time employees working in Aquatics, Parks, Natural Resources, State Parks, Recreation, Senior Centers, Therapeutic Recreation, Fitness and Athletic Coordinators, Landscape Architects, and others working on behalf of parks and recreation. Membership can be obtained in the Individual Professional category (above), or Premiere level. Each professional member has the right to vote and to hold office.
Board/Commission - Unlimited included with premier level only This membership category is open to citizen Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Councils relating to parks and recreation. Each designated member is entitled to membership services. This membership category does not have the right to vote and hold office.
Commercial - $475 This membership category is available to for-profit companies that provide services and/or products for the park and recreation industry. Examples of companies or vendors can include Landscape & Architecture, Aquatic Facility Supplier, Award & Trophy, Playground Equipment and Surfaces, Athletic Field Construction and Products, Sports Photography, Surveyors, Attractions, Promotional Products, and numerous other companies providing products and/or services to the industry. Two company staff are eligible and listed as the WPRA representative. Such membership does not include the privilege of voting or holding office. Additional staff may join at the Professional level, but they may not hold office or vote, as they are still considered an employee of a commercial company.
Affiliate - $50 This membership is open to all citizens with an interest in promoting and advocating parks and recreation. A Citizen member of the State Association in neither a Professional in the field nor a student member. This category would also not apply to current Park & Recreation Board and Commission members. Members in this category does not have the right to vote or hold office.
University - No Fee This membership category is open to those employed at a Wisconsin university offering a park, recreation, and/or tourism related curriculum. Universities would be granted up to one vote per University if they apply for complimentary University membership on an annual basis. For this voting privilege the University would be obligated to provide a key contact, their faculty and student lists.
Student - No Fee This membership category is available to full-time students enrolled in a park, natural resource, recreation management, therapeutic recreation, physical education, cultural arts, or related curriculum that relates to the provision of park and recreation services. Student membership includes one professional section. Student membership does not include the privilege of voting excepts as members of committees or holding office, except that the Student Section Chairperson shall be a full voting member of the WPRA Board of Directors.
Emeritus/Retired - No Fee This membership category is available to retirees from the park, recreation, and allied leisure fields. Each member has the right to vote and to hold office.
The following membership sections have representation on the WPRA Board of Directors: Aquatics, Park, Recreation, and the Young Professional.