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Playground Workshop
Saturday, June 05, 2021, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Category: Events/Meetings

The sun is shining . . . The grass is turning green . . . The days are warming, and we all know what that means . . . Summer is coming soon, and we want to be ready to give the children and families we serve a safe and fun summer at our programs!  We have all spent the past year adapting to the challenges and restrictions of life in a physically distanced world, so we are more prepared than ever to make this summer a successful one.  Roz and Jed are excited to join us again for this highly interactive online workshop filled with a new collection of games and activities.  Together, we will dive back into the topics of managing behavior with children as well as games and activities that can be utilized in both small groups and/or with physical distancing.  Participants should plan to join with audio and video and participate in the activities, games, and exercises to maximize their learning.

Please note:

  • It is ideal for each participant to log in to the session on their own computer.
  • If your department plans on hosting this training as an in-person group they should plan on having a few different computers available for your larger group, and one person designated to operate each device.
Click here to register!